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Transformer online monitoring mainly measured what data?

Add time:2021-04-26   Number of views:505  

Transformer is an important and expensive key equipment in the power system, it bears the responsibility of voltage transformation, electric energy distribution and transfer, the normal operation of the transformer is an important guarantee of reliable economic operation and power supply of the power system, therefore, it is necessary to minimize the occurrence of transformer failures or accidents. But because the transformer runs for a long time, it is impossible to avoid faults and accidents completely. So in the implementation process of the important online monitoring of the transformer, so the main measurement of what data, today Baoding Excellence Electric Co., Ltd. will give you say.

1. General detection of oil change: oil temperature, oil level, gas (switching volume: light gas alarm, heavy gas trip), etc.

2. Dry change general monitoring: temperature (temperature simulation quantity, switching quantity: high temperature alarm, overtemperature trip), etc.

Transformer a static electrical device used to transform ac voltage and current and transmit ac electrical energy. It is based on the principle of electromagnetic induction to achieve electric energy transfer. Transformer on its use can be divided into power transformer, test transformer, instrument transformer and special purpose transformer: power transformer is the power transmission and distribution, power user distribution of the necessary equipment.

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