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Transformer class

ZY10A transformer DC resistance tester

Add time:2022-04-18   Number of views:708  

An overview,

Transformer DC resistance test is a necessary item in transformer factory inspection, handover test and preventive test of power equipment manufacturers and power generation and power supply departments, which can effectively improve product quality and prevent power accidents. ZY series transformer DC resistance tester developed by our company is composed of high-power switching power supply circuit, precision small signal measurement circuit, protection circuit, high-speed single-chip microcomputer control circuit and so on. It has the functions of instrument self-check, signal measurement, data processing, fast discharge and so on. ZY series products have many models for users to choose from, and have been widely used in the electric power industry, well received by users.

Two, technical indicators

Output current: <5mA, 40mA, 200mA, 1A, 5A, 10A

Resolution: 0.1μ ω

Range: 100 ω -20K ω (<5mA file)

1 ω -500 ω (40mA range)

100 m Ω Ω - 100 (200 ma)

5 m Ω - 20 Ω (1 a)

1 m Ω Ω - 4 (5 a)

0.5 m Ω - 2 Ω (10 a)

Accuracy: 2‰

Operating temperature: 0 ~ 40℃

Working humidity: <90%RH, no dew

Dimensions: length 350mmX width 200mmX height 280mm

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