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Online monitoring class

ZYTX-6004 Transformer core (clamp, temperature) grounding monitoring system

Add time:2023-08-07   Number of views:394  

When the iron core of a power transformer is grounded at two or more points, a circulating current will be generated inside the iron core, causing local overheating. In severe cases, it can cause local burning of the iron core, and even cause the grounding plate to melt, leading to potential suspension of the iron core and discharge faults, seriously threatening the reliable operation of the transformer. This monitoring device can conduct real-time online monitoring of the grounding current of the transformer core and clamp, and upload the monitoring data to the monitoring center to achieve online monitoring and fault alarm.

1. This device displays the current value of the iron core and clamp in cycles, in amperes.

2. Channel 1 is the grounding current of the iron core

3. Channel 2 is the grounding current of the clamp



Technical indicators:

Power supply voltage: 220V

Current range: 0-10A (0-30A)

Accuracy: 5-20mA,<± 1mA 20mA-10A,<± 5%

Resolution: ± 1mA

Working temperature: -25-80 ℃

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