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Zyjs-6000 transformer dielectric loss tester

Add time:2022-04-13   Number of views:464  

An overview,

Zyjs-6000 dielectric loss tester for field anti-interference dielectric loss measurement,or laboratory precision dielectric loss measurement.The instrument is integrated structure,built-in dielectric loss bridge,frequency conversion power supply,test transformer and standard capacitor,etc.Adopt frequency conversion anti-jamming and Fourier transform digital filtering technology,automatic intelligent measurement,measurement data is very stable under strong interference.The measurement results are displayed by a large LCD screen and can be printed out by a miniature printer.

Two,technical indicators

Dielectric loss and capacitance measurement


Anti-interference index:frequency conversion anti-interference,can still achieve the above accuracy under 200%interference

Capacitance range:

Internal high voltage:3pF~60000pF/10kV 60pF~1.2μF/0.5kV

External high pressure:3pF~1.5μF/10kV 60pF~30μF/0.5kV

Resolution:up to 0.001pF,4 significant digits

Tgδrange:unlimited,resolution 0.001%,automatic identification of capacitance,inductance,resistance three kinds of samples.

Test current range:10μA~5A

Internal high pressure:

Set voltage range:0.5~10kV

Maximum output current:200mA

Lifting pressure mode:continuous smooth adjustment

Voltage accuracy:±(1.5%×reading+10V)

Voltage resolution:1V

Test frequency:45~65Hz integer frequency

49/51Hz,45/55Hz automatic double frequency conversion

Frequency accuracy:±0.01Hz

External application of high pressure:

Maximum test current 1A/40~70Hz during positive connection

The maximum test current for reverse wiring is 10kV/1A/40~70Hz

CVT self-excited low voltage output:output voltage 3~50V,output current 3~30A

Measurement time:about 30s,depending on the measurement method

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