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Zyzk-120a generator rotor AC impedance tester

Add time:2022-04-13   Number of views:530  


Zyzk-120 generator rotor AC impedance tester is a new type of AC impedance tester launched by our company, using the "one-button shuttle" technology (rotating the mouse). High-speed synchronous test system; The function of displaying and printing ac impedance characteristic curve, downloading data and editing test report can be realized online with PC, which increases the test capacity and is suitable for all capacity generator sets.

The instrument can be customized according to user requirements, all kinds of capacity and output voltage safety isolation type voltage regulator and reactive power compensation box.

I. Technical indicators

Ac impedance0~99.999Ω 0.5级
Ac voltage0~600V 0.2级
Alternating current0~120A 0.2级
Active power0~72kW 0.5级
Frequency rate45~75Hz 0.2级
Working power supply220±10% 50Hz
The body of the product320×268×150mm
Heavy volume5 kg
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